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A funny little true story of my encounter with Frank Abagnale: | Bob Anderson 🇺🇸

A funny little true story of my encounter with Frank Abagnale:

I got a late notice invitation to hear Frank speak several years ago at a local college and took off to get there in time. I rushed in and got to a table at the door where cash was being collected as a fee to enter. I grabbed for my wallet and realized I had no money - zero. There was no way I was going to miss seeing Frank though so I pivoted to negotiating with the doorkeeper, explaining that I would bring cash over later that day.

Just as I got full into my negotiation, pressing for a way in, I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned and, yes, there was Frank standing right there. Just as my embarrassment was peaking, the lady let me in. It was the irony of ironies.

Frank’s speech was well worth the effort. It was a humble story that spoke of a tumultuous life of crime, but at the heart of it was the need for a father.

