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NEW VIDEO: US Races to Provoke Conflict Over Taiwan Before Chi | Brian Berletic's New Atlas Channel

NEW VIDEO: US Races to Provoke Conflict Over Taiwan Before China's Irreversible Military and Economic Rise

The US is provoking China over the island province of Taiwan by placing troops on the island, arming the administration in Taipei, and increasingly encouraging separatism;

The US officially recognizes China's sovereignty over Taiwan through its "One China" policy, yet unofficially undermines its at every juncture;

Upcoming elections in Taiwan are subject to US political interference, which is extensive and undermines claims of Taiwan's "political independence;"

Taiwan's economy depends heavily on the rest of China for continued prosperity and future opportunities the US is incapable of providing alternatives to;

China is exercising patience to prevent conflict and the destruction of Taiwan which is an admitted objective of US foreign policy;


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