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As Israel Continues Attacking Hezbollah in Lebanon, Keep in Mi | Brian Berletic's New Atlas Channel

As Israel Continues Attacking Hezbollah in Lebanon, Keep in Mind the Following...

The US is using Israel as a disposable proxy against its enemies in the Middle East just as it's using Ukraine against Russia, Taiwan against the rest of China;

The US produced through Brookings a 2009 policy paper laying out in detail a plan to provoke America's enemies in the region into war, including through using Israel as a provocateur, then joining the resulting conflict afterwards;

An entire chapter of the paper is dedicated to this option titled, "Leave it to Bibi, Allowing or Encouraging an Israeli Military Strike;"

Neither the US, nor its proxies currently in office in Tel Aviv, care about the actual future of Israel or the region any more so than those in Kiev and Taipei care about the millions of people they are dragging into US-sponsored war in their respective regions of the world;

Link to the PDF of Brookings' 2009 paper here.

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