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THINK TANK WATCH: RAND Corporation's latest research report, ' | Brian Berletic's New Atlas Channel

THINK TANK WATCH: RAND Corporation's latest research report, "Ground-Based Intermediate-Range Missiles in the Indo-Pacific," indicates that many of the nations the US claims it is "protecting" don't want US missiles in their territory.


Notice its analysis regarding Thailand where I am based: "As long as Thailand continues to have a military-backed government that pursues closer ties with China, the United States would not want Thailand to host GBIRMs — and Thailand would be highly unlikely to accept them anyway."

US is sponsoring ongoing efforts by "pro-democracy" groups to overthrow the current political order in Thailand SPECIFICALLY to remove this obstacle.

The US' own policymakers admit these nations don't want "protection," they want sovereignty and the only way the US can advance its goals in the Indo-Pacific region is by THREATENING national sovereignty there, not upholding or underwriting it.