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'THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY' Patrick Byrne, The Durham Report, O | California MAGA (Former Audit Watch)

"THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY" Patrick Byrne, The Durham Report, Operation Snowglobe, The Stole Election, and the Arizona Audit

Earlier this year, Patrick Byrne confessed to knowing exactly what the Durham Report will say. He also knew they were going to hijack the 2020 election back in October of 2018, but chose to stay quiet about it. WHY?

The TIMING on Patrick's admission is critical to understand the bigger picture, because Patrick's "Confession" came exactly ONE MONTH after the "Truthers" started planning Flynn's Operation Coup d'état at Lin Wood's South Carolina "Tomotley" compound; AND three days before Gareet Zeegler snuck Flynn, Powell, and Byrne into the White House against the President and his administrations orders.

December 15, 2020 - Patrick Byrne did an interview admitting he has been working with the FBI since December 1, 2015.

The FBI told Byrne, Hillary had already accepted a bribe for $20 Million from Turkey (Remember Turkey)

The FBI asked Byrne to help them to facilitate another bribe between another foreign government and Hillary Clinton.

January 14, 2016 (less than 10 months before the 2016 election)

Hillary Clinton met up with Byrne's foreign contact in Washington DC, and accepted the $18 Million bribe.

He claims both Durham and Barr know about both bribes.

Byrne claims FBI told him to forget about it because Hillary was going to win the election, and nothing was going to stop that from happening. As a result, the FBI scrubbed this mission all the way up to the highest levels.

Byrne claims Obama and Brennen cooked up "Operation Snowglobe", giving Obama control Hillary's presidency by shaking up the "Snowglobe" whenever she steps out of line.

Byrne says "My bribe was the 'BAIT' to get her to step inside the Snowglobe" (3:46) Follow up question: WHAT WAS YOUR BAIT? MAYBE THE "ANIMAL FARM"?

He said he went public a year ago when the pictures of him and the Russian Spy surfaced.

He admits he was fully involved in this Deep State operation to control Hillary, as involved as you can get.

"So I'm saying, this entire thing. this last five years has been a coup...from Obama against Hillary, that when Trump won in a fluke it got morphed into the Russian Collusion-delusion." (4:18)

October 2018 (Two-years and one month before the 2020 election) Byrne said he knew in October 2018 this was going to happen "Because in (October) 2018, I was offered.. a Federal Agent came to tell me, 'Patrick, you need to understand there are billionaires walking around this world that we made, and we're prepared to do the same for you. You just have to stay calm, you just have to stay quiet through the election.' and by that election, I knew he meant 2020 election. So I've known they were going to hijack this election since October of 2018" (Start at 4:45)

There is more to SNOWGLOBE than Byrne is telling us. He never told us HOW or WERE he got the BAIT for Hillary. We have been connecting the dots, and we are in the process of putting a full timeline together. This is just an overview:

Cyberattackers "The Animal Farm" French Intelligence Agency (Five Eyes) Microsoft Snowflake Bob Muglia Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett PATRICK BYRNE

Watch the interview here: