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Zooid, noun. Definition (Zoology): An animal arising from a | Cambridge Dictionary

Zooid, noun.

Definition (Zoology): An animal arising from another by budding or division, especially each of the individuals which make up a colonial organism and typically have different forms and functions.


1. The most integrated colonies behave like individual organisms, for the zooids making up the colony are all specialized for certain functions and connected to each other.
2. The individuals of the colony are called zooids and many zooids with individual siphonal openings cover the surface of the colony.
3. Even in the earliest stages of new growth, complete reversals in budding directions of zooids are evident.
4. These are marine bryozoans with tubular zooids with strongly calcified walls.
5. The feeding zooids use retractile tentacles, called the lophophore, to filter feed and have a U-shaped gut for digestion.