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My IIM B PI experience: p1 : 50+ 9:44 p2: 35 + p3: 60 + p1) M | MBA PERSONAL INTERVIEWS

My IIM B PI experience:
p1 : 50+
p2: 35 +
p3: 60 +

p1) Machine is learning every thing(that devil smile though), what you are doing?
Answered: My job is to make sure that machine performs job efficiently.
p1) IS it a new role and how MLE is ensured into the system?
Answered: A MLE is bridge between analytics and Data Scientist Team, and how the MLE comes into the play.
p1) So you help data scientists and both Analytics.
Answered: not only that our main aim is to make sure the models are served seamlessly in production.
p1) Big Companies are doing big investments in data and machine learning models. Mappings are either causal, correlative or associative and such analysis can also go wrong. How companies make sure their investments.
Here I was shocked completely: Tried answering about monitoring mechanisms and explained companies depreciate or improvise Models if not performing well.
p1) That's okay, but how do they ensure investments in mapping?
Answered: a/b testing and scenoriaos (seems satisfied.)
p2) All companies and orgs may not give data, then how do you tackle this.
Answered: we take data as and when require, and we have a very strong data storage and usage policy.
p2) That's okay, but all companies may not give data.
Answered: 95 percent features are based on user tracking and we track user activity as per compliances.
p3) IF dataset changes completely, then how do you ensure that.
Answered : bias- variance tradeoff and dataset augment stratergies.
p3) What bias-variance tradeoff?
Answered: It's a subjective domain and quantified it using organization's use-case.
p1) The craziest thing you have done in your life.
Answered: Shouted midnight in the hostel when I was in first year lol.
p1) He laughed, and what was crazy in that.
Answered: hostel was in residential area, and the building's secretary came and shouted at all students and given a warning of vacating hostesl.
p1) How did you all manage then
Answered: wrote a apology letter and managed the situation.
p1) Your hobbies:
Answered: trekking
p1) last trek: Answered :
p1) no  of places you have visited : Answered
p1) why your last trek was lohagad fort : mentioned it was near to lonawala.
p1) you do trekking for convinience, I asked why lohagad ansered: naturally occuring springs and lonawala valley looks beautiful
p1) upcoming plans outside maharashtra: answered.
p1) mythology related to a local temple : told him that I am not aware off.
p1) good and bad decision taken by ratan tata: answered good decision and dodged bad decision saying that I follow him for his behaviourial factors.
was satisfied.
p3) excellent academics, machine learning knowledge and graduation from PICT, don't you think MBA will ruin your skills Answered