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Cap interview , forenoon slot Around 17 minutes. Female, B.A | MBA PERSONAL INTERVIEWS

Cap interview , forenoon slot
Around 17 minutes.
Female, B.A Honours Philosophy
Two panelist : 1 female, 1 male

Started by exchanging greetings :

F: you are from Miranda, did you called yourself Mirandaiites   
Told ( no we call it.......)

F: intoduce yourself
Started my intro ( My name is Amrita) and she interrupted and told me she has seen my profile, she knows I am active in college societies, internships and nGOs, so lets cut down intro part and tell me 2 things about Miranda  ....


F : asked me about sone economics question as it was my GE subject ( out of 3 told 1)

M: Started asking me psychological question then I remined them sir, I am majoring in philosophy.

F: Your sub mentioned eco why are you saying majoring in philosophy
Told the reason

F : don't worry we have 100 of question prepared for you. ( I smiled and said definelty ma'am)

F: tell me what did philosophy is about
Told nicely with example the  got interuppted in between by panelist that we got to know. ( both of them was satisfied)

F : tell me about euthanisa

F: define ethunaisa in terms of philosophical context
Told but not in very philosophical language

F: what do you think about euthanisa , is it right or wrong ?


F: can monopoly be ethical or non-ethical

F: asked 2 more question about eco ( some terms to define which I didn't answer, but I told them I am not able to recollect at this moment properly, they said no worries it happens )

M:  can philosophy be analytical

M: give two example

M: now give me any 2 analysis you read without philosophical context :

Started answering and was interuppetd

M: asked me where does knowledge comes from

I told them waht we have been taught like we know it from inference, perception , verbal testimony .....

Got interrupted and then he asked , where do we get knowledge from in general


M: gave me a statement: can we collect information from data

I told yes

M: how

Explained with example

M: how is knowledge, facts and data related

M:  how can you Handel uncertainty  fears and stress by logical approach not philosophical like meditation and all ...


F: which iims you get call from :

F: where do you want to go ? And why

F: asked male panelist if he wanted to ask any question

M: no

F: all the best Amrita .

I said thankyou and smiled.

I was asked few more questions but I am no able to recall it properly ...( was given scenarios and from there have to analyze things...)