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Prove your teaching knowledge with a globally recognized certi | CELTA in Uzbekistan

Prove your teaching knowledge with a globally recognized certificate

Are you a teacher and you want a professional development option? Then, TKT certification course by Cambridge is right for you. Take the Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test with the Edu-Action to become a globally recognized tutor.

The Teaching Knowledge Test is a test of the skills you need to be successful in teaching English to speakers of other languages. It is suitable for teachers of all age groups and abilities.

The Cambridge International Certificate and Diploma in Teaching and Learning enable you to:

• improve your teaching to enhance the quality of your students' learning;
• develop critical engagement with key education theories and concepts;
• focus on effective and reflective practice to promote active learning.

If you want to get a higher income in the teaching system, register now and book your seat in advance.

Registration link: https://bit.ly/39jgSgr
more: +998998898670

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