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As with all things, the TRUE Meaning of Christmas has been tru | Charlie Freak • FreakSense TV

As with all things, the TRUE Meaning of Christmas has been truly hidden from us by the Cabal, especially thru the work of Organized Religion, whose true job has been to keep us from coming to the Truth of who and what both God and Jesus Christ truly are...this Breakfast Time Chat with Colleen, brings Enlightenment to this Festive Season with detailed explanations of what Christmas truly is and how many ancient cultures celebrated this Miraculous moment within us...by Raising Christ Consciousness upon High!!!

Remember, Christmas is CHRIST - MASS, it is a 4-day Festival that Lives and Celebrates the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ...December 22nd, 23rd and 24th (3 Days and 3 Nights, 72 Hours) are spent in Silence, Fasting in preparation for the MIRACLE to occur both above us and WITHIN us...Christmas is NOT about Presents upon this Material Plane, rather it is about PRESENCE, connecting to God by Living in the Now, which is precisely what Jesus Christ taught and Lived!!!