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Charlie Freak • FreakSense TV

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ONLY Official Channel of Charlie Freak and Family. - A World where Gods "Truth" is the foundation that we build our family upon for all Eternity.

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The latest Messages 38

2021-05-26 19:09:59
The Truth About Mankind's Physiology and our Diet...


Our cells are designed to function in a specific chemistry which has been created over millions of years of eating the natural human diet, creating our anatomy and physiology.

When we stray from the natural human diet of fruits and tender greens we begin to change the internal chemistry of the body.

When we consume foods which are not well suited to our anatomy and physiology we are overworking the cellular metabolism……..
833 views16:09
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2021-05-25 23:58:51
You're being lied to on all fronts.

Gaslighting: Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s beliefs.
1.2K views20:58
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2021-05-24 19:34:19
Everything that has been revealed thus far confirms what I have shared with you over the last 3 years...so, I wonder, if get Everything Right, do I win a prize or something???


784 views16:34
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2021-05-24 19:33:55
When the Walls come tumbling down...

When the Walls come tumblin', tumblin'

Tumblin', Tumblin...Down...

658 views16:33
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2021-05-24 19:33:35
Why do you think Adolf Hitler was such a serious and passionate man??? Because his beautiful nation was surrounded by countless packs of Marauders, waiting to consume the very life out of it...

So, the next time you see an image or video of a very intense man, wearing a swastika that flowed "Up and to the Right", maybe now you will know why he was the way he was...

He has gone from being a saint to THE DEVIL for a very good reason...he created the MOLD on how to Takedown the Cabal, and he became THE Marked Man in the entire world...


779 views16:33
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2021-05-24 19:33:11
A Crypto Currency Collapse this past week...aren't you glad that I urged you again and again to get rid of your Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies???

You can thank me with a Smile...


684 views16:33
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2021-05-24 19:30:31 It's hard to believe, but it is true...the Evergiven is STILL being forced to stay in the Suez Canal...


Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/egyptian-court-upholds-detention-ever-given-suez-canal-lawyer-2021-05-23/)
Court allows Suez Canal to keep holding Ever Given - lawyers
An Egyptian court on Sunday rejected a complaint by the Japanese owner of a container ship that blocked traffic in the Suez Canal for six days in March against the vessel's continued detention...
693 views16:30
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2021-05-23 23:37:09
1.0K views20:37
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2021-05-23 23:36:41 Remember...everything eats and poops.

So, with our inappropriate foods we are creating more cellular waste (poop), while drying out the sewer system that is designed to flush the waste out of our bodies. We have both more waste being created than we are physiologically designed for AND we have less waste going out because the elimination channels are slowed and in some cases so dry and backed up that they are completely blocked.

We have created more waste and less flow so our cells are sitting in waste, creating dysfunction, or abnormal functioning. We start to see the beginning stages of dis-ease, lack of ease, with symptoms like irritability, irritation, itching, etc. The cells are uncomfortable sitting in their own waste.

In addition to these two issues we are also creating inefficiency in the cellular processing. If you try to walk through knee-deep mud you are going to be working much harder then if you were up on a dry sidewalk. Cells sitting in their own waste are walking through knee- deep mud. They are using much more energy and creating far more waste because they are working in such an inefficient and inappropriate terrain.

We have a slow moving sewer, less functional cells, more waste being created, creating more dysfunctional cells, which in turn creates more waste and round and round you go, building layer by layer of dirty terrain, eventually forcing the cells to change their structure from a healthy normal cell to a bacteria, yeast, fungus and eventually into a Cancer cell if the dirty terrain situation is not remediated.

The body has ways of remediating all of this waste. The most common is the cold or flu symptoms which we are taught to fear and call dis ease. The body will create an expulsion event, which expels the waste via secondary channels, encased in mucus, so you get a runny or stuffy nose.

Another common symptom of the body eliminating waste is skin rashes like Chicken Pox, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Foot in Mouth, Impetigo, etc. The body is pushing acids out through the skin and the skin is either inflammed / irritated by the acids creating redness and inflammation, or the skin is creating tiny ulcers like what is seen in Chicken Pox. The ulcer is a drain point for the acid wastes to exit.

When the body first becomes bogged down in waste it is in the state of Enervation. We might feel a little run down or tired. If we fast and rest at this first sign the body quickly catches up on its waste backlog and is able to return to normal functioning. But, almost no one does this, so most people are in levels 2-4 of disease constantly.

Level 3 is where we see the colds and flu symptoms, allergies, body odor. Level 4 is where we see inflammatory conditions and pain. Levels 4 & 5 are where we are entering destructive symptoms, where the wastes are causing damage to the cells. Level 6 is where the body is creating scar tissues to attempt to buffer the other cells from the wastes, leading into Cancer, the final stage of Disease.

We can reverse the course at any time by transitioning gradually back to the natural diet and returning the body back to its normal chemistry, re-hydrating the body and the lymph with lots of fresh, ripe, juicy fruits and alkalizing and hydrating with crisp, mineral rich tender greens.

Levels 6 and 7 may not fully heal. If the scar tissue has become too thick the body may not be able to remove some of the scar tissue. This is seen sometimes in remodeling of the bones, where the body is not able to correct these issues. But, otherwise the body will replace and repair all cells if we give the body the appropriate diet, plenty of rest, plenty of digestive rest and time.

Eat Fruit and Be Well My Friends!

Written by: Lauren Whiteman

Connect with me if you want more information or help on your healing journey.
Toni Weel
1.9K views20:36
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Our cells are designed to function in a specific chemistry which has been created over millions of years of eating the natural human diet, creating our anatomy and physiology.

When we stray from the natural human diet of fruits and tender greens we begin to change the internal chemistry of the body.

When we consume foods which are not well suited to our anatomy and physiology we are overworking the cellular metabolism.

As the cells work, they produce waste. Everything in nature eats and poops, and so do our cells.

In a normal, healthy body the cells are working at normal efficiency in normal chemistry. The cellular poop is sent into the intracellular fluids, which is then transported through the lymphatic system (the bodies sewer system) out of the body and expelled via the primary or secondary elimination channels.

When the body is in a state of health, cellular waste is quickly cleared away from the cells and sent out of the body. If we encounter a stress or emotional trauma, these acids are quickly eliminate by the body. If we run from a lion and build up lactic acid, these acids are quickly eliminated as a normal part of the bodies functioning.


When we put in inappropriate foods we do two things which cause our health to suffer. The first is consuming cooked or dry foods which do not have adequate water for our physiology. When we consume these water deficient foods we dehydrate the body because the body must pull from its own cells to move the inappropriate foods through our digestive system.

We require roughly 80% water content simply for a food to make it through the digestive tract without pulling water out of our cells.
So, consuming inappropriate foods, cooked foods, dry foods, etc. dehydrates the body. This leads to a dehydrated lymphatic system. The lymph, again, being the sewer system, we need that flowing freely. But if a fluid becomes dehydrated it becomes sticky and slow moving.

The natural state of the lymph in a healthy body could be seen as flowing like maple syrup: thick but free flowing. But, when we consume cooked foods that lymph starts to dry out. Moving into a peanut butter consistency, the lymph barely slides along, getting stuck in various parts of the body. The more dehydrated the body becomes the more slow moving the lymph. Eventually you end up with the dry crusty peanut butter stuck to the bottom of the jar that has been in the back of the pantry for five years.

We are dehydrating the sewer and that means that the waste is getting backed up around the cells. The waste is predominately acids and acids burn and damage the cells and make it harder for the cells to function normally.

Instead of a normal cell, functioning in normal chemistry, we now have a damaged cell, functioning in abnormal chemistry, creating abnormal results called symptoms of disease. The cell is in a state of dis-ease, lack of ease and so is the body as a whole.

The second thing that causes our health to suffer when consuming inappropriate foods is that we overwork the cells. Our natural foods are very low in protein, very low in fat. These proteins and fats are predominantly already broken down into usable amino acids and fatty acids which require little effort from the body.

Our natural foods are also very high in carbohydrates, fructose predominantly, which is in the correct form for our physiology because we have developed our anatomy and physiology on the natural diet for millions of years. Carbohydrates are the energy for every cell in the body. They are required in abundance to keep all the cells running properly.

When we eat inappropriate foods these foods tend to be much higher in proteins and fats. These proteins and fats are not broken into amino acids for the body. So, we are forcing the body to do excess work to break down these proteins into amino acids. (This is why we often get tired right after we eat a meal of inappropriate foods.)

This excess work of the cellular metabolism leads to excess waste.
1.3K views20:36
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