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ChatIncognitoBot Channel

Logo of telegram channel chatincognito — ChatIncognitoBot Channel C
Logo of telegram channel chatincognito — ChatIncognitoBot Channel
Channel address: @chatincognito
Categories: Official channels
Language: English
Subscribers: 225.77K
Description from channel

Official channel of @chatincognitobot

Ratings & Reviews


3 reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by admins.

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The latest Messages

2024-10-16 11:38:49 About this, in case you didn’t know: we left media enabled on @betaincognitobot

A proposito di questo, nel caso non lo sapevate: abbiamo lasciato i media abilitati su @betaincognitobot
31.5K views08:38
Open / Comment
2024-09-20 16:05:17 ChatIncognitoBot ha una moderazione molto accurata e severa.
Siamo assolutamente contrari ad atteggiamenti illegali.
Leggi attentamente i nostri termini di servizio con /terms .
Riportaci chi viola i nostri termini con /report command.

Ultimamente abbiamo bannato decine di migliaia di persone che violavano i nostri termini di servizio, prima ancora che riuscissero a creare danni.

Circa due anni fa abbiamo vietato la possibilità di salvare media, per evitare scambi di materiale inappropriato.

Oggi abbiamo deciso di rimuovere totalmente l’invio di media. Vediamo i prossimi giorni come andrà….


ChatIncognitoBot has a very accurate and strict moderation.
We are absolutely against illegal behavior.
Read our terms of service carefully with /terms .
Report to us those who violate our terms with /report command.

Lately we have banned tens of thousands of people who violated our terms of service, before they could even cause damage.

About two years ago we banned the ability to save media, to avoid exchanging inappropriate material.

Today we have completely removed the sending of media. Let's see how it goes in the next few days...
77.3K viewsedited  13:05
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2024-08-28 15:26:34 ChatIncognitoBot respect the laws and is against any illegal behavior!

You must NEVER commit illegal behaviors!
We take actions against every users committing illegal activities!

Read carefully our terms with /tos command.

Use the bot /report command when you see users committing illegal activities!

We disabled the ability to save media to prevent abuses

Regular Porn is legal, but ChatIncognitoBot has been created to meet and chat with nice people , not for porn and you may consider to use instead @ChatIncognitoCAM (click only if you are 18+ years old!)


ChatIncognitoBot rispetta la legge ed è contro qualsiasi comportamento illegale!

Non fare mai nulla di illegale!
Prendiamo provvedimenti verso chiunque compie azioni illegali!

Leggi bene il regolamento del bot con /tos .

Usa il comando del bot /report ogni qualvolta vedi utenti commettere azioni illegali!

Abbiamo disabilito il salvataggio dei media per prevenire gli abusi

Il porno normale è legale, però ChatIncognitoBot è pensato per conoscere e chattare con persone , non per il porno, altrimenti considera @ChatIncognitoCAM (solo per maggiorenni)
19.1K viewsedited  12:26
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2024-06-02 15:29:15
7.4K views12:29
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2024-05-24 16:25:25 You lost . So we are going to buy another telegram premium for a new contest for our users
5.1K viewsedited  13:25
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2024-02-21 10:16:26 21th February 2017
21th February 2024

Today @ChatIncognitoBot is 7 years old
76.3K viewsedited  07:16
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2023-11-15 16:15:31 Il 22 novembre verrà estratto un vincitore casualmente tra gli iscritti a @chatincognito @chatincognitocam e @segreti_incognito (devi essere iscritto a tutti e 3). Al vincitore regaleremo 3 mesi di telegram premium

We are gifting 3 months telegram Premium to our users randomly. This contest is available only for Italian users. Next week we will make another contest for all countries
40.8K viewsedited  13:15
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2023-10-05 12:22:18
@TextIncognitoBot is like ChatIncognitoBot but with only text messages; no media! (100% safe for work; no risks)

Use both them to increase the chances to find the right person!

@TextIncognitoBot è come ChatIncognitoBot, ma senza media!

Usali entrambi
per aumentare le probabilità di trovare la persona giusta
24.9K viewsedited  09:22
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2023-08-25 13:28:17 If you use “Chat Incognito CAM” read here

Se sei un utente di “Chat Incognito CAM” leggi qui
36.7K views10:28
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2023-03-09 15:18:43 Chatincognitobot emoji pack:
9.4K viewsedited  12:18
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2022-12-21 21:58:16 ChatIncognitoBot is not for porn!

If you are looking for porn you can use @ChatIncognitoCAM
7.8K viewsedited  18:58
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2022-10-16 18:34:42 ChatIncognitoBot respect the laws and is against any illegal behavior! to avoid that users can share illegal media or make illegal stuff with received media, WE DISABLED THE ABILITY TO SAVE AND FORWARD MEDIA SENT BY THE PARTNER This will result…
Anonymous Poll
4.8K voters103.5K views15:34
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2022-10-16 18:34:07 ChatIncognitoBot respect the laws and is against any illegal behavior!

to avoid that users can share illegal media or make illegal stuff with received media, WE DISABLED THE ABILITY TO SAVE AND FORWARD MEDIA SENT BY THE PARTNER

This will result in an enhancement of our users security too!

You can tell us what you think about this with /feedback command in the bot


ChatIncognitoBot rispetta la legge ed è contro qualsiasi comportamento illegale!

Per evitare che gli utenti si scambino media illegali o per evitare che vengano compiuti atti illegali coi media ricevuti, DA OGGI NON SARÀ PIÙ POSSIBILE ESEGUIRE IL SALVATAGGIO O L’INOLTRO DEI MEDIA RICEVUTI DAL PARTNER

Questo comporta un aumento della sicurezza lato privacy per i nostri utenti

Se vuoi inviarci il tuo parere puoi farlo con il comando /feedback nel bot
103.9K viewsedited  15:34
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2022-08-26 14:24:43 ChatIncognitoBot respect the laws and is against any illegal behavior!

You must NEVER commit illegal behaviors!
We take actions against every users committing illegal activities!

Read carefully our terms with /tos command.

Regular Porn is legal, but ChatIncognitoBot has been created to meet and chat with nice people , not for porn and you may consider to use instead @ChatIncognitoCAM (click only if you are 18+ years old!)


ChatIncognitoBot rispetta la legge ed è contro qualsiasi comportamento illegale!

Non fare mai nulla di illegale!
Prendiamo provvedimenti verso chiunque compie azioni illegali!

Leggi bene il regolamento del bot con /tos .

Il porno normale è legale, però ChatIncognitoBot è pensato per conoscere e chattare con persone , non per il porno, altrimenti considera @ChatIncognitoCAM (solo per maggiorenni)
343.1K viewsedited  11:24
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2021-10-30 16:14:14
ChatIncognitoCAM - Our Adult website for LIVE SEX CAMS WITH MODELS.

ChatIncognitoCAM - il nostro sito per SESSO IN WEBCAM LIVE CON MODELLE.
963.6K viewsedited  13:14
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2020-06-14 02:39:38

Chat anonymously with girls and boys choosing age sex and distance preferences .

No one will know who you really are! Only you!


Chatta con ragazzi e ragazze in base alle tue preferenze di età sesso e distanza .

La chat è anonima Nessuno saprà chi sei e che lo stai usando! Solo tu!
2.7M views23:39
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2019-04-02 13:41:01
Anonymous Poll
182.7K voters2.8M views10:41
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2019-04-02 13:40:30 we just released a new feature! After you close a chat you can send a request to open it again in 5 minutes!

abbiamo appena aggiunto una nuova funzione rivoluzionaria. Quando chiudi una chat hai 5 minuti per inviare una richiesta di riaprirla!
2.3M viewsedited  10:40
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2018-08-25 13:56:15 .
2.3M views10:56
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2018-08-25 13:55:56
Since many of you asked for this, today we added the ability to choose the gender of the partner too
1.9M views10:55
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2018-09-25 13:56:19
112.7K viewsedited  10:56
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2018-09-25 13:54:39
112.7K viewsedited  10:54
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