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An impressive showing by the Swiss (1.3 million votes against | Children's Health Defense Europe

An impressive showing by the Swiss (1.3 million votes against COVID passports), but not nearly enough, regrettably.

I feel a need to offer a sincere thank you to everybody that voted no in this referendum, and all those that did what they could. We, along with Children's Health Defense, certainly did.

This is not a time to be disheartened; this would have been a miraculous political upset, and we knew full well the odds were stacked against a positive outcome.

The freedom-loving people of the world will continue forwards, and explore other avenues to resist these impositions.

Switzerland losing this vote is indicative of one thing though; there is no democratic recourse for what's happening in the world.

Many people already held that view. But this result is an affirmation of that.

Civil disobedience worldwide people. Let's go!

- Oracle Films

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