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What is the Bible? And it's purpose and standing with science? | Christian Aryanism — Fides et Gens, Inseperable.

What is the Bible? And it's purpose and standing with science?

The Bible is the Genesis (origin) of Adamkind and the history of God's action in the world among the faithful line of Adamkind; accounting two main portions of our history: our fall and our redemption.

Understanding what the Bible actually is and what knowledge you are suppose to receive from it, is important. It's not a Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry textbook; so you shouldn't expect to find all the answers to those fields of science within, and you shouldn't expect to find confirmations for certain scientific concepts such as if the Earth is flat or round, or if biological adaption truly occurs (evolution); this we can scientifically observe.
It is also not an exhaustive history textbook on the complete history of the universe nor the complete history of all of Adamkind; only the concise history of our origin, and the concise history of God's interaction with the faithful line of Adamkind.

Science and exhaustive history are things we can discover and study outside of scripture.
We understand that scripture is infallible (absolute truth), so there can be no contradictions nor paradoxes within scripture and between scripture and observable truth (science).

Should a contradiction arise between scripture and observable truth (science) or within themselves; either man's interpretation of scripture is false, or man's understanding of science is false. Only man is fallible.

This isn't against the concept of Sola Scriptura; for Sola Scriptura is merely that scripture alone is sufficient to delineate how Man can be saved and that scripture alone has insight into the Praeternatural.
For knowledge outside this scope of Soteriology and Praeternaturalogy; we must observe, study and test with scientific methods; whilst being vigilant that no contradiction to scripture can truthfully occur.

A Christian has nothing to fear from the study of science; as Christians stand behind truth, we have no need to live in lies as others depend on. The delineation of science will always vindicate God and our faith, as it was built upon truth alone.

Every major discovery or advancement in the fields of science for the past two thousand years, whether in health, physics, chemistry or archeology, was the work of White Christian men.
Christians advanced this world to the technological levels we see today, and it only decays now that White Christian men are becoming scarce.

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