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Sectarianism, another Brother War. In this day and age, the c | Christian Aryanism — Fides et Gens, Inseperable.

Sectarianism, another Brother War.

In this day and age, the children of God divide themselves amongst their Churches, personal interpretations, practices and culturally fabricated White ethnic boundaries; going as far to say only one set of these have any relationship with God.

It is time we stop dividing the congregation of God and stop dividing our race. There is only one congregation of God and that is the entire White race; His children.

It is unreasonable to believe we can all be one culturally homogeneous group of people and we should not expect it; differences will occur naturally, such as language, customs and beliefs. But gone should be the days that we look upon another White Christian and see them as anything other than our brother.

We all come from various Christian denominational and White ethnic backgrounds; but this is nothing new. During the Apostolic Age, there were many independent Churches from various White ethnic backgrounds; such as Jerusalem, Corinth, Philippi, Ephesus, Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria, Carthage and Rome; gathering Greeks, Romans, Gauls, Germans, and many other White tribes. They weren't all culturally, religiously and ethnically identical but they recognised the one thing that mattered, that they were one in Christ.

While we understand many Churches and even our own brothers believe or teach falsehoods, we don't tear our brothers down and divide Christ among different groups of beliefs, but show our brothers the errors of their ways; learning and moving past it, together. Despite believing and teaching in error, this will not effect whether or not they go to heaven; for Jesus did not command us all to be learnt scholars without error, as all men are fallible.
Jesus only asked that we have faith in Him, that we believe He died and rose for us.

No matter the falsehoods you may unknowingly believe, none of that matters and none of that will bar you from Heaven, as long as you have faith in Him. Every single White Christian who believes in Christ, regardless of their denomination or beliefs, will meet each other in Heaven.

They say the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church [Matthew 16:18] (The word "Church" in Greek "ἐκκλησία" means congregation and referred to the entire Christian population of a given region.) which is correct but they were never talking about a building or religious political body; they were talking about faithful (Christian) White men, women and children.
They were saying the gates of hell will not prevail against our race.

Every White person who believes in the death and resurrection of Christ is a Christian; and we should be known as nothing but that, lest we put our differences before Christ.
I will not call you Catholic,
I will not call you Protestant,
I will not call you Orthodox,
because I know all you are is a Christian;
I will call you brother.

You are all sons of God.
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
There is neither Pole nor Swede,
there is neither Protestant nor Catholic,
there is no male and female,
for you are all one in Jesus Christ.
[Galatians 3:26-28; Colossians 3:11]

Fides et Gens
; Faith and Race.