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The Adamic people alone have the opportunity for Salvation: Sc | Christian Aryanism — Fides et Gens, Inseperable.

The Adamic people alone have the opportunity for Salvation:
Scripturally and anthropologically, the Adamic people have been identified as the White race alone, today.

⁵ The etymology and origin of the word Simian which means “snub/ flat nosed” in Ancient Greek, a phenotypical trait absent from the White race yet near universal among many nonwhite races.

This word comes from the Latin “simias” a pejorative (slur) against men to claim they have an ape-like appearance, which comes from the Ancient Greek σιμός to literally mean “snub/ flat nosed”.

The Latin “simias” is used twice in scripture [1 Kings 10:22; 2 Chronicles 9:21] in place of: the original Hebrew קוֺף meaning ape, from the blending of Sanskrit कपि and Egyptian gôfë, meaning ape or foreigner; and the translated Greek Septuagint πιθήκων, meaning ape.

We can see all these words clearly refer to what the author understands as a non-human primate; with the exception of simias. The Latin translator appears to understand the text is not referring to an ape, otherwise one of many Latin words for ape or monkey would be used such as the Latin form (pithēcus) of the Greek πιθήκων; and that this is in reference to humanoids.

In context these verses are about a fleet of ships collecting valuable goods from Tarshish (Tartessos, Spain) by King Hiram of Phoenician Tyre, for King Solomon (970-931ᴮᶜ).

The specified goods collected were gold, silver, ivory, “apes” and peacocks. Tarshish was a rich trading city, boasting slave markets, and significant maritime trade range, as indicated by peacocks and “apes” in a Hebrew word derived from Sanskrit, supporting a maritime range to the Indian subcontinent, which may indicate the origin of these “apes” as Dravidian negros, but may have been borrowed to refer to other negros.

The reason Hiram provided these goods to Solomon, was to aide and fund Solomon's many construction projects throughout his dominion, in exchange for politics favours and land; hence gold, silver, ivory, peacocks (an expensive commodity) and “apes” (slaves) were imported regularly, all important resources for Solomon's continued large-scale construction; especially “apes” which were added to Solomon's evergrowing slave labour force [1 Kings 9:10-15].

These “apes” were negro slaves, as identified by the descriptive humanoid pejorative “simias” by the Latin translators, and their ability to be used in construction, confirming they were humanoid. Their original designation as “apes” in Hebrew however demonstrate that despite being humanoid, these negros were not seen as human (Adamic) by the biblical authors.

Adam and his unadulterated descendants are racially White, only.