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Purification: When discussing White racial purity, the topic o | Christian Aryanism — Fides et Gens, Inseperable.

When discussing White racial purity, the topic of "well can we be bleached?" arises, likely out of a cope for the person or someone they know. Short answer no, long answer technically yes.

Genetic Recombination:
Is the rearrangement of DNA sequences by the breakage and rejoining of chromosomes or chromosome segments, from parents. Women will get 50% from each parent, while men will get 51% from their mother (size of X chromosome compared to Y).

While children will inherit half their ancestry from each parent, it's not the same half of each parent, as segments are random. Most people assume it's the sum of both parents ancestry divided by 2, which while something you should expect, isn't what will occur, as segments are taken in whole.

For example, a couple who are both 50% Irish and 50% English, can potentially have a child who is 100% Irish and another who is 100% English (assuming they had the right segments of each ancestry).

The assumed "sum divided by 2" applied to impurities doesn't occur that way either, while you expect the impurity to half each time, it can actually be entirely erased from the genome, without a shred of evidence it was ever there, in as little as 3 generations in a million to one odds (isn't going to happen, just can), and is a statistical impossibility to remain in the genome after 14 generations.
This effectively means that you have absolutely no ancestry from nor relation to a Non ancestor.

This can even occur with two mulattos producing a child who is purely White; just impossibly unlikely. However both the process and the odds can be significantly improved with modern technology to screen embryos and select for purity.

Is it feasible?
No, not by a long shot. The amount of time, money, genetic screening, pure Whites sacrificed, etc that would be required is enormous, all to purify a few tainted Nons; especially considering there's still hundreds of millions of pure Whites today.

It would be far more economical to just have the pure Whites have large fertility rates, and the tainted very low fertility rates; and demographically replace them.

Would it even be good enough?
No, as Christians, we believe a person is more than just their body, they're also a soul.

While the body could and can be purified, according to the doctrine of Generationism¹ ², in which souls are propagated from two parental souls, the resulting purified body would be soulless.

Perhaps a model could be developed which maintains Generationism while providing a means that the purified could gain a soul; perhaps partial segments of a soul propagated with the genetic segments, which recombine into a full soul with the body. However this would most likely just be a cope.

Bleaching is a meme. You won't be purified.