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Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 18.05.2021 Describe a piece | Master English Academy

Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 18.05.2021

Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in

What it was about?
Where you saw/heard it?
Who was involved?
Explain why people were interested in it?

People always have a keen interest in knowing the developments in their local area. Last month, the local administration announced that a sports complex would come up in our area soon. Various news channels flashed this news, especially telegram channels. I saw it on a local news channel. This initiative was a joint effort of local administration and Buka sports company. The administration is doing it for the welfare of local people. Whereas the sports company is doing it for creating more awareness of its brand. People were joyful after knowing about this development. The reason for their joy was that our area has everything like a shopping mall, a railway station, a sophisticated public transport system. Apart from this for education, there are renowned schools, colleges and universities. And for entertainment, we have a multiplex and an amusement park. But despite these facilities, people were unhappy. The reason for their resentment was that there is no good place for children and youngsters to play. Moreover, for the elderly population, there is less space to do the walk. So this news came out as a blessing for all the residents. Because a sports complex would create a positive environment in the town. First of all, it would produce sports talent. My town has a large number of talented sportspersons. But in the absence of facilities, they are unable to do justice to their talent. Therefore this new sports complex would help them to train in a better way. Furthermore, the older generation would get a place to meet their friends. So the development depicted in the news would bring a paradigm shift in my town.

Band 7+

Flash: to be shown quickly on television, on a computer, or on a film
Initiative:  an important new plan
Renovated: modern
Resentment: a feeling of anger
Paradigm shift: important change


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