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Bloomberg | Iranian Cargo Ship Hit With Limpet Mines in Red Se | /CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global

Bloomberg | Iranian Cargo Ship Hit With Limpet Mines in Red Sea, Tasnim Says | 6-04-21
— "An Iranian-flagged vessel called the Saviz was hit with limpet mines while stationed in the Red Sea, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported, citing unnamed sources.

According to Tasnim, the vessel has been based in the area for several years and often deploys Iranian commando boats that are used to escort commercial vessels. It was in the waterway on Tuesday when the mines exploded, the report said, without identifying the sources or saying where it got the information.

Iranian officials haven’t yet acknowledged the incident, Tasnim added.

The attack comes on the same day that Iran and world powers, including the U.S., gathered in Vienna to negotiate the full restoration of the 2015 nuclear deal. Former President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from that accord sparked a crisis in the Middle East, engulfing its waterways and shipping lanes with attacks on vessels and tit-for-tat seizures."
