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Pray 7:14 Father, I can sense the power of darkness trying to | CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL)

Pray 7:14

Father, I can sense the power of darkness trying to surround me. The enemy is trying to take back ground that Jesus has already won. I am aware of his strategies and tactics. He’s back at it again trying to knock me off course. I recognize that he is up to no good again.

I come to You again and seek to walk in Your authority and power. In Christ, I can do all things and that includes not bending to the pressure he is trying to put on me. I know that this is a battle in the spirit and that my weapons of warfare are not physical.

With Your power and the Holy Spirit I can pull down and destroy what he is trying to bring against me. I refuse to listen to his lies that he cannot be beaten. He already was defeated by Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

The weapons I need to succeed are supernatural and I need to stand up and speak against him! I need to declare what Your Word says about this situation.

In Jesus Name, I bind and rebuke all of the enemy’s plans and attacks against me! I call them cancelled! I declare that I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. No weapon formed against me shall prosper!

I stir myself up like David did and bless You Lord! I thank You for the victory that is mine through Jesus! I refuse to bow my knee in defeat despite all that the devil is bringing against me!

You are my Protector and my Refuge Heavenly Father! I will fight the good fight of faith and I will win!

Holy Spirit, please continue to help me pull down all the negative thoughts the enemy tries to plant in my mind. Help me to walk in love and refuse to be offended which will hinder the effectiveness of my prayer life.

I ask for Your supernatural peace during this time. Your peace which surpasses all understanding. Please let it permeate every area of my life like a shield in Jesus Name!

I speak light into the darkness and declare that all the plots, ploys, lies, and strategies of the enemy be exposed for what they are! Show me Holy Spirit if there are any footholds or entrances I’ve allowed to remain open so that the enemy got into my life.

I praise You now that Jesus has defeated the devil in completion! Yes, through His life, death, and resurrection, the enemy has been stripped of all of his power.

I know that he will never stop coming against me but greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world! This means that I can always defeat Him because You fight for me Lord!

I am standing on Your Word and Your promises until I see the victory manifest in my situation! Your Word, angels, the blood of Jesus and His Name, is all I need to win, every time! I am a child of God and You promised to never leave me. That means You are always with me and that includes every spiritual battle!

Thank You for giving me spiritual armor in order that I may fight successfully during spiritual warfare! The fiery darts of the enemy and anything else he throws at me, shall not harm me. Nothing can take away the triumphant win Jesus Christ had over the devil!

Help me to continue to build my faith in You and Your Word. As I spend time in Your presence thank You for charging me up with confidence and helping me get refreshed! Fill me with boldness to continue to stand strong in You and fight the devil whenever he raises his nasty head! Give me wisdom to know what to do during every battle I face in Jesus Christ Name! Amen