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PhD: Joint theory-experimental PhD position on simulation and | Computational and Quantum Chemistry

PhD: Joint theory-experimental PhD position on simulation and experiment of azafullerene-based qubits on diamond substrates

Outstanding candidates are sought for a cross-disciplinary, joint modelling-experimental PhD, based half time in the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel (Nantes, France) and the Jozef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia). The candidate will build on our earlier success developing molecular nanocarbon qubits, and move towards developing a fully operational quantum computer using molecular monolayer of azafullerene complexes as qubits, with read-write capability provided by nitrogen-vacancy defect centres embedded in diamond substrates. This challenging target will be achieved through experimental substrate preparation and characterisation at the JSI along with magnetic spin coherence studies of azafullerene complexes (EPR, NMR, …). Computer modelling at Nantes will explore new molecular crystal structures, spin distribution (hyperfine coupling parameters, etc), molecular surface self-organisation and rebonding, using a range of modelling techniques such as density functional theory, xTB, and potentially machine learning approaches. The project will involve close collaboration with experimental organic chemistry colleagues in Germany and Greece, and synchrotron visits to ELETTRA in Trieste.

Successful candidates should hold a MSc degree in Physics, Chemistry, or Materials Science (or similar). Good knowledge of English, both written and oral, is compulsory. Experience with linux and python is an advantage. They will need to be flexible and adaptable, able to work in different environments (different countries and laboratories, at ease with both experimental and theoretical modelling work).

With a staff of about 1050, the JSI is Slovenia’s leading scientific research institute, whose world leading reputation covers a broad spectrum of natural sciences, life sciences and engineering. The IMN is one of France’s primary materials research laboratories run by the CNRS national research organisation at Nantes University in west France. Both groups have international reputations in nanocarbon (notably fullerene) materials, and long experience of successfully collaborating and publishing together. Both have a range of other international collaborations which the candidate will be expected to participate in.

The position is jointly funded for three years; half funded by the JSI Slovenia and half by the “LUMOMAT” network in Nantes. Salary at each partner will follow the legal scale for research positions in the local country. French funding comes from the LUMOMAT network and the candidate can be additionally entered for a competitive salary boost based on CV (four such boosts of €2500 are offered at PhD start to the pool of new LUMOMAT students, with more offered at the end of Year 2). If successful the student will receive a joint PhD from both Nantes and Ljubljana Universities. The language of the PhD is English (given the joint funding arrangement, non-English speakers cannot be considered for the post), with opportunities to learn and work in Slovenian and French at the local sites if of interest. Additional scientific and soft-skill training courses will be provided as part of the PhD.

Candidates should send their CV (pdf) as well as a brief motivation letter to chris.ewels@cnrs-imn.fr (generic applications will not be treated) before July 14th 2022. They should also arrange for one letter of recommendation to be sent to the same address by their writer directly. The position begins in September 2022 but can start earlier if required. There is no closing date, the post is open until successfully filled. There is no restriction on candidate nationality but any candidate must pass governmental pre-screening imposed at the French partner site.