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WEDNESDAY // 5.26.2021 OPEN PREP Silverback Primer 3 Sets Fo | CompTrain Individuals

WEDNESDAY // 5.26.2021


Silverback Primer
3 Sets For Quality:
8 Barbell Good Mornings
10 Alternating Weighted Cossack Squat
0:30 Hollow Flutter Kicks

Positions: Static Holds
Accumulate the following totals in the bottom of the squat:
Back Squat – 2 Sets of :30s
Front Squat – 2 Sets of :20s
Overhead Squat – 2 Sets of :10s

“Hang In There”
On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:
50 Double-Unders
300m/250m Row
10 Hang Squat Cleans (115/85)
