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【I CAN'T BREATHE!】 Did you know? There is a protein called | Confess


Did you know?
There is a protein called Melanin under our skin.
Where there is more sunlight, your skin gets more melanin to protect the organs underneath.
The more you have it, the darker your skin gets.
Simple biology right?
The more you have it, the more sunlight you absorb.
So why, pray tell, is this happening?
Why is this a reason for our cries and sobs?
Too much hatred.
Too much anger.
All for a simple protein,
for having a different color.
And meanwhile, I...I can't breathe!
Hatred is pressing down my neck
and misunderstanding and Inhumanity holding me down from the back,
my life ending because of the color of my skin
suffocated for being black.
Help! Is there anyone who can see this? Who can see me?
I can't breathe! Please help me.

*Racism isn't getting worse. It is getting filmed.* - Will Smith

And today on social media, everyone I know and every page I follow is posting black.
'BlackOutTuesday' they called it.
Dedicated to the black man who died,
to the man who couldn't make it.
'Justice for Floyd!' They said.
But behind George's name it screamed,
'...and to all the colored people we don't know,
to those who died wrongfully, without getting filmed.'
And meanwhile, I...I can't breathe!
Hatred surging instead of air, it's making my body freeze.
Help! Is there anyone seeing this?
Anybody who can see me?
I can't breathe! Please help me.

*Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again?* - Rosa Parks

How many stories have you heard so far?
The woman who took a stand by sitting down.
The man who spent 27 years fighting racism, hoping to bring it down.
How many stories of hope?
Hoping for equality.
While the legend told us : The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody.
Tell me. How many stories?
And meanwhile, I...I can't breathe.
Hope is slipping away.
I don't have anything to hold onto.
I don't have anything to seize.
Help! Is there anyone witnessing this?
Anybody who can see me?
I can't breathe! Please help me.

*In the absence of these safeguards the phrase “equality before the law” in so far as it is intended to apply to us, is meaningless and misleading.* - Nelson Mandela

And so they are out chanting : No Justice, No Peace! No racist police!
And meanwhile, I...I can't breathe!
Please help me.
The one responsible for keeping me safe,
is the one who is killing me.
Help! Is there anyone seeing this?
Anybody passing by?
I don't want my life to end today.
I don't want to die.

*Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.* - Martin Luther King Jr.

And so they scream to be heard.
They post and share.
But how many of us want to be the change we want to happen?
How many of us care?
Racism, I say, is the opposite of humanism.
And we all claim to be humans, don't we?
So why are we ending lives based on color?
Why are we acting against humanity?
And meanwhile, I...I can't breathe!
But i am not silent.
I am trying to fight.
Is there anyone near seeing this?
Anybody witnessing this sight?
Help! Scream until heard.
Fight against this cruelty.
Hold onto the anchor of love,
please don't drown in the hatred sea.

*Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.* - Martin Luther King Jr.

We know of one man today.
So it won't happen tomorrow,
teach your surroundings right
so we don't drown in this sorrow.
Help! I can't breathe!
Hatred and misunderstanding are drowning me
and racism is as strong as it has ever been,
but don't give up the fight.
Please don't let it win.

*I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.* - Martin Luther King Jr.

And I have a dream that one day, we will forget all this color matter
and like the man who went after this dream said, I hope we judge each other by our character.
I hope for a day where hope is something within reach
something we can seize,
so I can win the hatred choking me
so I can finally breathe.

*ሀበሻዊነት - ጥቁርነት
ጥቁርነት ደግሞ ኩራት ነው፡፡*

-The Scribbles Team