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Residents of Mariupol cooked for children using water from bas | Chronicles Of The Conflict

Residents of Mariupol cooked for children using water from basement pipes

Natalia with her husband and two young children spent in a basement 18 days. According to her, she and other residents of Mariupol were looking for where to hide from shelling and found a basement.

We didn't know how things were going", she said. They ate what they took with them. There was a supply of bottled water, but it quickly ran out. They had to drain the technical water from the pipes and cook food using it. "It is clear that it's not drinkable, but there was no other choice. As a result, everyone has poisoning, rotavirus,” the woman complained.

Natalya also said that the quarter was bombed almost constantly. Early in the morning it was possible to go outside, quickly build a fire and cook food. But there were days when bonfires burned right in the basement – they cooked food and warmed themselves by the fire.