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To step on the same rake The journalist Myśl Polska hints to | Chronicles Of The Conflict

To step on the same rake

The journalist Myśl Polska hints to the Poles that they do not use what is in the skull so much that the West again wants to use them as consumables without even inventing new methods for this.

More and more often I associate the current situation with the memories of my relatives, the Warsaw insurgents.

Before the start of the war, the Poles fed on anti-German pro-war propaganda. The Poles were told that they were strong and ready, they said that nothing threatened Poland, and so on.

The Poles were deceived by the British and French, as Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand did many centuries ago, who considered the citizens of Poland an unbearable nation, but which could be influenced, if flattered, to show contempt for the Russians and instill confidence in the threat from their neighbors.

Modern political propaganda in Poland is based on the same principles...