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PANDEMIC CRITICALLY CONSIDERED Coronavirus Fact-Check #10: | Corona Investigative


Coronavirus Fact-Check #10: Why “new cases” are plummeting.

The number of “new cases” reported is tumbling in many countries around the world, and has been for over a month. So what’s causing it?

The scary red numbers are all going down. Check any newspaper or covid tracking website you want. Cases. Deaths. Hospitalisations. They’re all going down, sharply, and have been for weeks, especially in the US and UK.

So, why would that be?

Pundits across the media world have made suggestions – from vaccines to lockdowns – but there’s only one that makes any real sense.

The assumption most people would make, and would be encouraged to make by the talking heads and media experts, is that the various “vaccines” have taken effect and stopped the spread of the “virus”.

Is this the case? No, no it’s not.

The decline started in mid-January, far too early for any vaccination program to have any effect.

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