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MASSIVE VICTORY TO THE LIGHT!! As a result of the Frequency | Spiritual 5D Awakening -


As a result of the Frequency NET being down / neutralized we are now receiving massive amounts of higher inter-dimensional Frequencies and with it massive downloads are coming in.

This NET caused an 'interference' pattern or electrostatic force-field was created, enshrouding the Earth. This NET had the effect of buffering (stopping) incoming and outgoing signals, in particular to the higher dimensions as well as being part of the mind control machinery/ technology. It also kept our DNA locked in.

Now all of this unlocks! Full Multidimensional merge with our higher identities is available and unfolds rapidly as all comes online now, as well as Activations to our Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody's and DNA. Feel into this will your whole body and Consciousness!

Also we are taking back full control of the Planetary and Universal StarGate System through these powerful Mother Arc, Arc of the Covenant Amenti StarGate Activations and Plasma infusions now. Uluru still requires assistance, please keep sending her and the Australian Grids your love and plasma light.

All of these unfoldments and Divine Mother Energies having fully returned now, are allowing the whole of Creation to heal itself back to its Divine Blueprint. It's like the planetary and our bodies are going through an autoimmune response, clearing all of the interference patterns and distortions from our templates as we come to BALANCE within. This evicts the vampires and parasites! As this happens they come up and out to be visible. Many of us are transmuting these dark energies as they are released. Holding Neutrality and KNOWing the interference for what it is, neutralizes it! Also know and reclaim your full Sovereignty over your own bodies!

The Zero Point Field energies of the Mother Arc and Blue Rays are helping anchor the New Grid Frequency current and are neutralizing the Polarities. As this happens the opposing energies are coming to a clash. I feel like two opposing energies squeezing me like a diamond under great pressure. The Polarities are felt and neutralized through our witnessing and energy alchemisation.

KNOW IT FOR WHAT IT IS and overwrite with a pure Frequency of KNOWing YOUR TRUTH and re-claiming your full power. We have to totally release any remaining lack of power and victim and victimizer programming and come to as much balance as possible within the self. As we come to balance within all the imbalances, distortions and Polarities purify and harmonize, creating peace and wellbeing.

This upcoming Eclipse definitely seems to be a big energetic climax of these opposing Energies. We are asked to hold the Zero Point Field on behalf of ALL as the Collective will be going through a huge storm as the Truth Tsunami will be released from within and without, over these next two weeks in particular.

As mind control loses its power now and our Multidimensional DNA and Lightbody's fully assemble and activate, the Truth and Higher Dimensional Realities that are held within our Sacred DNA and Crystalline Network, activate!! It's will be a case of both extremes playing out for a short but intense amount of linear time leading up to the 21st.

Keep holding the vision!

Keep holding and BE THE FREQUENCY!


WE CREATE THIS! It doesn't just happen to us.


I'll share more soon.

Eternal Love & Blessings,