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It must be hard for the shallow folks out there. Superficial | Spiritual 5D Awakening - CrystalOfLight.com

It must be hard for the shallow folks out there. Superficial isn't gonna cut it anymore. The World of appearances, the 3-D programed personality matrix, has no where left to go. Those who are addicted to drama, gossip, trends and following the pop culture way, are going to be feeling pretty lost for a bit, cause no one is going to be able to escape this current growth period on the planet.

Everyone is being hit in some way or another, some are tragedies with illness and/or death or greater division from friends and family either because of differences in beliefs systems or mandates and lockdowns that are keeping people a part ~ for some, the loss of income, sanity and for many, they are processing and facing a very uncertain future.

To stay in the Matrix means compliancy to authority; compromising oneself for the sake of still playing in the game in order to be successful or search out that American dream, which is dead. The only sustainable thing, is the Cosmic Earthly dream and experience.

The discovery of the Elemental kingdoms, healing crystals, good nutrition and herbs. The discovery of Soul family, Sacred Union, our Galactic heritage and embracing the activation process of reclaiming our lost treasures and spiritual gifts and abilities. The creative imagination that can take us on adventures and show us that magic and miracles are real. The old World is dying to reveal the Truth of who and what we truly are.

The transition into embodying our Soul nature, will be tough for many. They will no longer be able to get away with betrayal, back-stabbing others, being petty, shallow or using and abusing others. The pain of this World will activate many to awaken - to their own shadow, to a bigger life review, so that one can take that next step into greater depth, compassion and responsibility to being in service to others and going on a profound healing journey.

This is the only pathway open now that all must walk through in order to be okay and to unhook from this Web that the dark lord Spiders inhabit, to spin you up and eat you alive. The World of celebrity will be taking a step back for people, as being anything but a priority. They will be asked to step up to a role that is greater than being a consumer and follower of socially engineered movements or entertainment industry obsession with its predictive programing.

The death process underway, is the death of the old paradigm and how the Ego has attached itself to it and the rebirth is being Soul centered with our Ego aligned with Spirit, Love, Wisdom, Cosmos, Earth and Truth, to generate this energy throughout our physical vessel so we can transform and switch on dormant strands of DNA and infuse the collective consciousness with these divine frequencies. This is the time to become an Activator, the override frequency and the embodied Divine Union with Source.