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Nearly 600 killed in airstrike on Mariupol Drama Theatre, — As | Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII

Nearly 600 killed in airstrike on Mariupol Drama Theatre, — Associated Press investigation

In the photo above — what was, — and what was left from the Mariupol theater, where peaceful people with children were hiding...
Kremlin propaganda claims with Jesuit cynicism that the Ukrainians "bombed themselves"! The Kremlin is talking damn nonsense about Ukraine itself bombing its own territories! This is so wild that it seems simply impossible to imagine that someone sane can believe in such bullshit... But, as it turns out, there are still idiots in the world who are able to believe in such nonsense! And this is probably even worse than the blatant lies of the Kremlin motherfuckers.
Either Mankind going crazy - or Kremlin has begun to wake up the "moles" sent to different countries at the beginning of the "zero".
And the second option is more realistic.

You must read this investigation. Or to watch the video option.