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On White Replacement and Identity Politics Griffin's allegory | Global Resistance News

On White Replacement and Identity Politics

Griffin's allegory here is definitely fitting. I would like to add my own commentary.

In the West our white brothers and sisters are feeling increasingly marginalised and at risk of being 'replaced'. We hear this and we understand totally why you would feel this way. It's real.

Now, here at GRN we do not see race as something which should divide people, but no, I am not saying this in a gay/woke/Jewy manner.

That being said we do need to understand and solve this problem. To do this we need to step back and strip away the emotion.

Wokeness, 'anti-racism', and BLM work together to create friction between blacks and whites, citizens and immigrants, men and women, adults and children, Christians and Muslims, ensuring they focus their energies on each other. This precludes them from ever striking at the root of the problem.

Some food for thought here.

The anti-white agenda and rhetoric which undoubtably is visible and rife in Western media clearly doesn't come from white people. Why would white people set a suicidal agenda?

Well the agenda doesn't come from black or brown people either because we do not own the anti-white media outlets.

Moreover, refugees off a rubber dinghy did not write Western nations' immigration policies.

Immigrants did not spark the wars that dispossessed them from their lands.

Who foisted feminism and LGBT ideology on the West?

So Griffin is right to ask, who is shaking the jar and who is putting all of the 'ants' together in the first place?

So let's ask and keep asking. But if you're a regular GRN reader you already know.
