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- BREAKING: 62 recorded violations by the Saudi-Emirati Coalit | Global Resistance News

- BREAKING: 62 recorded violations by the Saudi-Emirati Coalition of Aggressors in Yemen today.

Despite ongoing peace talks in Sanaa, which Yemeni President Mahdi al-Mashat has welcomed as positive, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi continue their assault on the Yemeni people in the coastal city of Hudaydah. Bombing raids and artillery attacks - conducted with aircraft and armaments from the US and UK ZOGs - ravaged the Hays and Al-Jabalyah districts and terrorized Yemeni women and children deep into the evening as Ramadan observers were breaking their fasts.

Which brings us back to President al-Mashat's recent comments. While he did indeed stress that resolution talks were progressing, he also noted, firmly, that if the just demands of the Yemeni nation couldn't be met through dialog, then the military field is where the equation will return and Yemenis have proven themselves more than competent and capable enough of achieving victory.

The ruthless violations of human dignity in Hudaydah - merely the latest confirmation of Al-Saud and Al-Nahyan's Judaic behavior - lead us to believe that the battle is far from over.

With Eid al-Ditr upon us however, we pray, with every fiber of our collective being, that the opposite is true. Insha'ALLAH ya Rab. Long live mighty, mighty Yemen
