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Sheikh Khader Adnan, jailed leader of Palestinian Islamic Jiha | Global Resistance News

Sheikh Khader Adnan, jailed leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, is now on Day 74 of his hunger strike--officially, his longest action yet.

The long-time stalwart of the Cast Iron Stomachs Moujahideen and their epic struggle inside Zion's dungeons is vomiting multiple times on a daily basis.

The absence of vital nutrients is ripping him up inside.

His talks with his family are almost exclusively focused on his Shouhadat (martyrdom).

To describe his situation as dire would be as understated as simply calling 'Israel' evil.

Whether his next stop is victory in this world or arrival in the Akhira (Afterlife), one thing's for sure: His heroics don't merely constitute steadfast examples for Palestinians still locked up by the enemy... But an institution for all oppressed people to draw from in all future battles against any particular occupier.

Sheikh Khader Adnan is a champion who has attained a station very few before him have... And we are honored to be alive to witness it
