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Do keep in mind ladies and Gentilemen, that the reason Yahoudl | Global Resistance News

Do keep in mind ladies and Gentilemen, that the reason Yahoudlings don't turn in their fellow Yahoudlings to the Goyim, is because if they do, their community will label them a "moser" under the Halakhic-Talmudic doctrine of mesira.

Mesira is the forbidding of a Jew to inform on another Jew to non-Jews. Simple and plain. It is derived from the Talmudic tractate Bava Kamma, 117a:17-19, in which Jews are either excommunicated or even killed (by the breaking of their necks, in this instance, by Rav Kahana [L.A.], a sexual degenerate that hid under the bed of his teacher whilst he made love to his wife in the name of learning "Torah") for ratting out other "chosenites" to a Gentile authority.

This is compounded in the affirmative by Judaism's most prominent "sage", Maimonides aka Rambam (L.A.), and author of the paramount Shulchan Aruch, the Safad Kabbalist Rabbi Joseph Karo aka Maran (L.A.)

In other words: A Jew can rob, cheat, murder, maim, or even commit the worst crime a person could possibly commit, namely raping a child, and it is religiously MANDATED by the "Torah" and Talmud to let said Jew get away with it... Because according to their "law", Gentiles knowing about it would be far more terrible than the crime itself.

To describe this as sick, twisted, backwards, and anathema to all basic elements of human decency would be stating it more than mildly... And yet, it persists. Because Jews would prefer having predatory pedophilic rapists walking among their children before being tagged as a moser.

This also explains why the usurping Jewish virus known as 'Israel', which is governed in myriad aspects by Halakhic-Talmudic law, is known as a "pedophile's paradise".

Tells you everything you need to know about "God's chosen people"... Don't it?
