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1. International Youth Day: 12th August first observed in 19 | Current Affairs in English

1. International Youth Day: 12th August

first observed in 1999 , organized by UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in association(UNESA) with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Theme 2021: Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health.

2. DRDO successfully test-fires Nirbhay Missile off Odisha coast.
Made-in-India Manik turbo fan engine and was the first successful test-firing of the missile with indigenous booster engine Nirbhay.

3. Kaziranga become 1st National Park in India with satellite phones.
For boosting anti-poaching measures and during emergencies like floods.

4.World Elephant Day: 12 August
Preservation and protection of the global elephants.