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Komodo Dragons Why in news: According to the IUCN red list, | UPSC SSC Exam Current Affairs and Study Notes

Komodo Dragons

Why in news: According to the IUCN red list, the Komodo dragon is threatened with extinction as rising water levels, driven by the climate crisis, shrink its habitat.

The dragon is a monitor lizard of the family Varanidae.
It is the world’s largest lizard.
Discovery Europeans discovered Komodo dragons only in the early 20th century and were immediately fascinated by the creatures.
It Grows up to 3 metres long and weighs more than 150 kg,
Habitat: Endemic to a handful of Indonesian islands and it lives on the edge of the forest or in open savannah, rarely venturing higher than 700 metres above sea level.
Conservation Status: The International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN)has changed its status from vulnerable to endangered.
Threats: (1) Anthropogenic factors; (2) Less prey; (3) Climate change.
Rising water levels are set to affect 30% of its habitat in the next 45 years.

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