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History Important Questions ========================= Who | UPSC SSC Exam Current Affairs and Study Notes

History Important Questions

Who founded Chola dynasty?
Vijayalaya in 850 AD

Which dynasty ruled during the period 1206 - 1290 AD? 
Slave dynasty.

Who founded Slave dynasty?
Qutub-ud-in Aibak

Who built Qutub Minar at Delhi?
Qutub-ud-in Aibak (later finished by Iltutmish)

Who started the persian festival 'Nauroz'?

Who was the founder of Khilji dynasty?
Jalal-ud-din Khilji

Which Tughlaq ruler introduced coins of brass and copper?
Mohammed-Bin Tughlaq

Which ruler established the Agra city?
Sikandar Lodhi

Who defeated Ibarahim Lodhi in the 'first battle of panipat'?
Babur in 1526

'Baburnama' was written by?
Babur in Turkish language

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