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It is said that a policy of giving much more severe sentences | IELTS | Daily speaking

It is said that a policy of giving much more severe sentences for driving errors can act as a contributor to increase the condition of safety on existing roads. I believe this approach should be seen as preferable, yet other methods to save lives on roads have to be taken into consideration.

On the one hand, there are number of reasons why the solely method to reduce the risk of accidents on the roads and make them more safer to the pedestrians can be seen in a way of giving an extra punishment to the drivers. To start with, as we can see that numerous car accidents partly stem from careless driving, meaning that drivers pose a huge threat to the people's survival, such problems are mainly the direct result of either driving fast or run the car without a driving license. In such cases, it would be fair to force the motorists to pay a great amount of money as a punishment, or deprive them from the status of driver. Viewed this way, the government can reach a spin-off by implementing a policy of zero tolerance upon drivers. Finally, in most respects it can be a justifiable action to take strong measures for driving illegalities if the roads are to remain with no sign of danger.

On the other hand, there appears to be several other measurements to keep the safety on our roads apart from penalties. First and foremost, authorities can get a desired result in sorts of protection of pedestrians' lives by increasing the awareness of the public about the rules and laws of road movements. It is true that the surveillance cameras have already been installed, were it not been for them, there would be a high possibility of deaths and negative consequences of driving, as such devices are able to identify the speed of the cars and inform the police about such illegal actions. In the final analysis, it could be stated that there is not always a need for the government to punish wrongdoer drivers to ensure the safety, just since giving instructions to across the streets and main roads properly and imposing a video surveillance can result in a decline of car accidents and the number of deaths.

In conclusion, I do feel that being tough on driving lawbreaking can be regarded as an optimal practice to decrease the probability of menace on roads, the other choices, such as making individuals more conscious of major rules of road movements and putting security cameras, should be performed.

Written by: Alisher
(Writing score: 7.0)
