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500 Dark Tools for Termux / Linux / MacOS Hello everyone, I | 🎩BLACK HAT🎩

500 Dark Tools for Termux / Linux / MacOS

Hello everyone, I haven't told you about cool tool assemblies for a long time. But I just had to tell you about this assembly.
523 TOOLS! From viruses and jailbreak programs to YouTube video downloaders.
Although there are harmless tools, there are quite a few of them, the main part is occupied by software for hacking something, viruses, spammers, and so on.
There are really a lot of interesting things here.

Oh yeah, the tool is called DarkFly-Tool, it is essentially just an assembly of a bunch of links to repositories, which makes it easier to find software.


pkg install python2 git
git clone https://github.com/Ranginang67/DarkFly-Tool
cd DarkFly-Tool
chmod + x install.py
python2 install.py

Linux (Kali, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and etc):
sudo apt-get install python git
git clone https://github.com/Ranginang67/DarkFly-Tool
cd DarkFly-Tool
chmod + x install.py
sudo python install.py

git clone https://github.com/Ranginang67/DarkFly-Tool
cd DarkFly-Tool
chmod + x install.py
sudo python install.py

DarkFly - launching the framework
Should bring up a menu where everything will be clear (I hope).
1 - show the entire list of utilities
2 - show only spam utilities
3 - search for utilities by the first letter
4 - information about authors
5 - remove the framework
0 - exit
If you encounter any errors while downloading some programs, then try to run the program with super-user rights - sudo DarkFly

DarkFly on GitHub