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3 world wars to usher in the Jewish Utopia prophesied and prom | David Icke

3 world wars to usher in the Jewish Utopia prophesied and promised to the Jews in the Talmud

Paragraph below is an excerpt from
Professor Rabbi Michael Higger's work..

This struggle will not be merely the struggle of Israel against her national enemies but the climax of the struggle between the two general opposing camps of the righteous and unrighteous. A saying in the name of Rab states that the descendant of the house of David will appeal as the head of the

ideal era only after the whole world will have suffered, for a continuous period of nine months,

from a wricked corrupt government, like the historical, traditionally wicked Edom.^^ Another view, implying the same idea, is stated in the name of R. Ishmael,

namely, that three wars in three different parts of the world will take place during the period preceding the advent of the ideal era. The fiercest of these three wars will be the one that will take place at Rome.^^^

Moreover, rabbinic sources, in speaking of Israel's fate in the ideal era, ascribe Israel's spiritual victory in the future to the fact that righteousness will be victorious over wickedness, and that the upright and just will succeed in bringing about the disappearance of the unrighteous from the earth.^^^ The following statement of the rabbis is in point: When the prophecy of Isaiah will be fulfilled, " But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the land — then shall Israel say with the Psalmist: " I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: From whence shall my help come? My help cometh from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth."

Page 38

Professor Rabbi Michael Higger PhD
"THE" Jewish Utopia 1932

""I  have  never  seen  anything  comparable;  for  this  small  book  sketches the  general  outlines  of  the  ultimate  goal  hundreds  of  years  ahead,  toward which  all  the  various  activities  of  the  Zionists  and  their  "liberal"  dupes

Note  that  this  book  is  not  the  creation  of  the  Jewish  Professor,  Michael Higger;  he  merely  compiled  it.  It  is  the  sum  total  of  the  prophecies,  teachings,  plans  and  interpretations  of  the  foremost  rabbis  and  Jewish  tribal leaders  of  the  past  2500  years  —  since  the  time  of  the  Oral  Law  and  the beginning  of  the  Babylonian  Talmud,  with  its  double  standard  for  Jews  and non-Jews  and  its  nationalistic,  militant  interpretation  of  the  Torah  (the Books  of  Moses,  the  first  five  books  of  the  Old  Testament)"

The Ultimate World Order: As Pictured in the Jewish Utopia (1957) by Robert Henry Williams


Pike's Letter to Mazzini

WW3 Albert Pike and the 3 World Wars

Albert Pike was a high level 33rd degree freemason who wrote this letter in August 15, 1871



Albion Narrations 2015: Freemasonry and the Jews

Sven Longshanks reads excerpts from Maurice Pinay's 'Plot Against the Church' and a pamphlet by Theodore Fritsch detailing the connections between Freemasonry and the Jews.

Freemasonry is based around the Jewish cabala and has always given preferential treatment to Jew


Craig Heimbechner - The Jewish Roots of the Ordo Templi Orientis

The Ordo Templi Orientis is a secret society based upon the teachings of Aleister Crowley.

The OTO claims to be at the top of every other Freemasonic organisation in the world and since none of those organisations ever questioned this statement, it my be true.

Its teachings are based on the Kabbalah and its initiatory system is admitted to be a Jewish adaptation of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

This narration is taken from a book about the OTO called ‘Blood Upon The Altar’ by Craig Heimbechner, which highlight's the OTO's connections to Judaism.


"The" Jewish Utopia
Professor Rabbi Michael Higger PhD 1932