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Self Healing through Mediation and Sexuality When you wish to | Daniëlle

Self Healing through Mediation and Sexuality
When you wish to alter your life experience and deepen your connection with life. Connecting to the sacred energies that flow through you; connecting to Spirit is essential.
The higher divine energies are available to the conciousness that has surrendered to the breath of Life and entered the vast quantum warmth, joy and pleasure of the God force.
The unifying, life creating God force that has healing, expanding and regenerative abilities of the divine powers.
Mediation and Sexuality are the practices that support the Mind Body vehicle to surrender into the vastness of the breath. Into the quantum field of oness. Into the magnetic field of omni presence and omni cosmos and omni Love.
This breath, when practised deep enough and the connection with your heart is restored. Will switch the reptilian ego mind into silence and death and release the cages of darkness from the unconscious. This purification process will alchemise the breat to reconnect the kundalini energies in each chakra centre, along your spine upwards and activate the pineal gland to produce sacred hormones.
These hormones of oxytocin and serotonine will have you experiment altered states of ecstasy, further emotional release and purifying waves of frequencies through your body and total field.
This type of orgasm is so divine, healing and magnetic it alters your life force energy and opens your spiritual abilities.
It opens the divine feminine portal to higher states of conciousness, where only she can bring about the healing union that inter connects the energy centers of here and here partner through the sacred nectar of ambrosia.
When two beings in higher conciousness connect in this state they shift eachothers process of healing and ascension and activate the spirtual light body like two Dolphins that can glow neon blue in pure states of joy, leaving trails of light as they swim through the bioluminescence.
This is enlightenment.
This is how sacred sexuality is a divine God force.
Healing and enlightening you and your connection in Love.
If you wish for deeper release of stress, deeper experiences of joy and the alter sacred high; dedicate going into the mastery teachings of Love. The teachings of the sacred breath that guide your Mind and Body to release toxic emotional blocks and produce the natural hormones and fluids of the Divine Feminine and Masculine orgasm when unified.
Sacred sex and sacred meditation go beyond the linear experience. They go beyond todays understanding of meditation and sexuality. They go back to the Hieros Gamos teachings that understood that the breath births new life energy through the sacred healing powers of the merging of the divine sacred union of the feminine and masculine energies.
One is to become a Self Master before you are able to enter the practice of the Divine union with another field.
Conciousness, sacredness and trust are the keys to these divine Mastery of Love.
Without these keys one will remain in the shallow linear experience of meditation and sexuality. As a matter of fact; without these three keys meditation and sexuality are a form of escapism and sexuality can even be very toxic.
Practice Self Love and master the rituals that allow you to heal and deepen your connection with your inate spiritual Powers through surrendering to the God force within.
Centuries of shame, guilt and shallowness have to be overcome by this generation that brings back sacredness to the art of Love.
And so it is
Sending Love