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Full Moon cleansing proces The Full Moon of March is known as | Daniëlle

Full Moon cleansing proces

The Full Moon of March is known as the Worm Moon. It will take place between the 6th /7th March depending were you are. It is the third full moon of the year.
The Worm Moon of 2023 marks the coming of Spring and the departure of winter, as this is the third and final full moon of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. 

Our life on this planet and the planet itself is cyclical. We need to remember how to work with universal energies to help the body clean itself which it is constantly doing.

Contrary to popular belief the body is always working for you and not against.
It works hard to keep you alkaline and free of toxicity in balancing electrolyte activity every minute of your life.

Around the full moons and equinoxes the pull on the cells is enhanced, but this is actually a great gift in order to cleanse you of any debris;
Thoughts, memories, emotions, muscus.
All energies holds frequencies and the confluence of these energies is you.
We in the West do not see the gift of this cleansing proces and think that any symptom in the body is like a mosquito that needs to be eliminated.

We need to look at sypmtoms and see that they are a warning sign or a message and that we can work with these messages in order to enhance the health of the body.
Traditional cultures would sweat around full moons and equinoxes, by digging up unconciouss negativity in the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body.

Mental and emotional sweating can be processed by any creative process; writing, signing, painting, dancing that translates and express your inner experiences from the inside to the outside world to purdge, release and transmute the energies that are you.
Reflect on the past months and define what you would like to let go of during this day of cleansing full moon energies.

Physical sweating allows excess sodium to be released via the skin the 3rd lung. Remove excess sodium or acidity and the liver no longer needs to create mucus.
Sweating is vital especially this time of the year in order to take the load off your liver; your detox organ.

Mucus is created by the liver to hold toxins, sodium and bacteria and so it is a good thing, but in order to get it out of the body you do not suppress you simply allow the mucus to be thinned and removed.

1. By drinking lots of water and liquid meals such as soups
2. Eat raw fruit to cleanses you
3. Sweating as much as you can with saunas and Epsom salt baths.
4. Soaked linseeds and linseed water as this helps provide your internal mop and pail to gently remove waste.
4. Rest and just be and look after yourself.

When extra cleansing is needed in case of flue:
5. Keep temp down if high by putting cold socks on feet.
6. Support the body with vitamine C, D and zinc.

It is the excess sodium that creates that achy feeling as it is pulled from the cells into the lymph during a full moon. That's why Epsom salts are so vital in the removal of sodium. Its also why those who exercise and sweat a lot recover more quickly from colds and flu, or rarely get them.

By surpressing this process with chemicals and medication you are creating a cellular state that will become more and more toxic leading to chronic disease.
Flu is a sign the body is healthy and clearing itself to adjust to new energies in it,s environment.
It is a sign that it is still able to cleanse itself.
It is all good.

Lower frequencies cause flu symptoms or ascension symptoms with more impact due to the Solar flash and Equinox processions moving further into the Golden age we are evolving into. Support your system to allow for this to happen.

I believe this Solar shift and the Equinox procession is the cause off so many people that experience intense flu right now. It is a big purdge and pull of the toxics in the cells. The planet is also cyclical and energies are levelling up, cleaning the way for higher frequencies of light to be able to integrate and hold within the body because the frequency of the earth is rising.