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Easter is the celebration of Enlightenment After the Equinox | Daniëlle

Easter is the celebration of Enlightenment

After the Equinox switch of Spring and the First Full Moon that clears the field, the Light of the first Sun-Day is when we celebrate Easter.

Religion knew the power of the Sun when the portal is open and the bridge to higher realms of freedom can be seen and felt.
The Sun that elevates, heals and liberates life force from dark.

The Human system is build to switch along with the leylines and the cycles that empower life force through Light.
When the Mind and Body are clear and connected to the inner world that is not driven by Ego, nor full of stagnated emotions, low frequencies toxins and the pineal gland is open as a receiver instead of calcified and closed;
You are empowered and operating in full creation, healing and super natural force.

Sunrise on the naked eyes will awaken you to realize all the lies.

TI La solfaMeRe Do

The sun emits a wide range of electromagnetic
frequencies, each of which correspond to various wavelengths of light. The rainbow colours of light that correspond to the life force energy of each chakra.

These frequencies, akin to the
musical notes Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and Ti, interact with our biology to download the information to awaken heal and align your DNA to the highest plan.
And open chakra allows for a full cord vibration that you feel and communicate in your interaction with the world.

At the Do and Re levels, red and near-infrared light frequencies dominate, which can positively influence our health by promoting cellular rejuvenation and nervous system

This stage, however, does not contribute to
vitamin D synthesis.
As we progress through the electromagnetic
frequencies, represented by Mi, Fa, Sol, and La, the spectrum shifts towards ultraviolet (UV) light.

UVB radiation, in particular, plays a crucial role in stimulating our body's production of vitamin D. The capacity for vitamin D synthesis increases with the intensity of UVB exposure, peaking at the Ti level.

Each of these sunlight frequencies, like notes in a symphony, interacts with your biology, affecting your mental, emotional, physical capabilities and spiritual alignment with your unique connection and gift from Source.

You came here to receive, be and express your own tune under the composition and conducting of your Source, your connect to Spirit activated by the Sun.
The divine accord that is your part in the frequency of the whole symphony.
You eminate unique vibrations.

To play this part your chakras should be open and balanced so the energy vibration can flow through your instrument in full accord.

To play this part you should be able to understand, control and empower your Self so you can play the tune of your life.
To play this part your instrument should be clean and attuned.
To play this part your portals, your nervous system, your synapses, your cells should be open and connected.
To play this part you should master what you feed and how to manage your Self; psychological, emotional, dimension wise chemistry wise, relationship wise etc etc.
To play this part you should be able to switch between the outside and inside world, survival mode and creation mode.

To play your divine part you should be able to Master your Self to connect, integrate and hold the Light that conducts and powers your tune.

Open up and heal the portal of your third eye to switch from the view of matter to energy.

Open up, clear and heal your chakra energy system to switch from ego to Spirit.

Open up to empower you Self to be a Liggt receiver and a Love bringer.
Play the tune of your unique frequency under the power of the Sun light and the clearing of the Moon.

The switch to heal and turn to the light is inside of you.
Your eyes were closed to believe your power comes from outside of you.
You were made to believe that life end and your God is judging.
But your soul is eternal and life is the Light that connects your soul to Spirt.
God is the force that empowers you to transmute the Light in Love.