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The awakening has begun Are our systems healthy or based on c | Daniëlle

The awakening has begun

Are our systems healthy or based on control?

In this day and age I dare you to question the intention of our systems.
Are they there to grant protection, safety, development, freedom and your well being?
Or is their intent to gain power and financial benefit?

The whole idea of government, taxation, the police state, and local controls is designed to impose control.

It’s illegal to resist government system regulation, and we are programmed to feel embarrassed or guilty if we push against the status quo.
Nowadays, the status quo is not usually benevolent. It tries to perpetuate itself, writing rules to sustain itself.

Let,s look at the tribal psychology in a system.
The sustainable tribe was there for emotional support and to help defend against attack fromoutside, to care for the crops on the land, tend the animals, and help raise the kids.

Anybody threatening that psychic collectivism was naturally considered evil, and they had to be banished or put to death.
A long long time a go the idea developed that if you didn’t believe what the tribe believed, somehow you would make the tribe vulnerable, and God would be displeased because of your lack of faith or action. Maybe you didn’t follow through on the great hippopotamus ceremony, or maybe every year in June when they threw two virgins off the cliff, you disagreed with that and said, “I don’t fancy this virgin-off-acliff routine.”
Disagreeing assailed the psychic integrity of the tribe, generating fear.
Just like the covid regulations are causing division in our tribe right now.

From protecting the psychic integrity came religious intolerance and control. The tribes weren’t keen on anybody forming their own religion. Everyone had to support the integrity of the tribe’s communication with God.

But if you internalize God, you’ll understand that you don’t need a third party to intercede between you and God. If you want to talk to God, all you have to do is quiet the Mind through meditation and contemplation and chat away.

In the olden days, the idea was that individuals were too weak and sinful to have a meaningful dialogue with God. So, systems were developed whereby people had to use a third party to communicate with God. Once you had a third party, then all the rules, guilt, and obligations came into play.

This is were humanity gave away their authority and integrated believes that consequently make us vulnerable to submit to the controlling systems nowadays.
Religion went hand in hand with governments and the institutions that structured societies. Industrialisation onward created a more and more dependance on systems other then nature to provide us with work and nutrition.
These systems gained control.

But the thing to remember is that most of these systems are not designed to set you free.
It’s not to say that all tribal ideas were silly. Some of them made sense. They were ideas about health and hygiene, how to grow food, and how to interrelate peacefully with other members of the tribe. But a lot of it had to do with conforming, control, and making sure you didn’t rise above the pack, or leave the tribe.

When you were born, your subconscious mind began to record all the sensations and inputs you were exposed to. It also recorded the feelings, emotions, and language it became aware of. But, more importantly, it recordeds all the subliminal reactions to the emotions, feelings, and attitudes that were part of your family’s day-to-day activities. So bit by bit, you sucked up, without question, the tribal belief patterns you were exposed to.

Those tribal belief patterns aren’t likely to contradict the ego, because the central point of the tribe’s identity is its ego-self, expressed as the tribal mind.
What is a tribe if it isn’t just a collection of personalities that come together and belong to one genetic, social, or national group?

The tribal mind, by its very nature, is laced with a lot of negativity, fear, and dysfunction.
Running through all that is the agenda that the collective ego of the tribe would have you accept.