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OVERDOSING ON SEROTONIN Have you ever heard about the effect | Deep Thoughts


Have you ever heard about the effects of kindness on your brain?
science of kindness in The Power of Intention. It goes something like this:-

Serotonin is the drug that makes you feel good. It’s what all the pharmaceutical companies pump
into those wonderful little anti-depressants. It’s also a little drug God decided to pump through our
brains when we do things he/she/it likes. It’s kinda like a little reward for good behavior, ya know?
Anyway, get this: When you do something kind for someone else, the person you’re helping has
serotonin released in her brain—she feels happier. And so do you.
Good news! Two more serotonin-induced happier people in the world! Woo hoo!
But the most incredible thing is this: not only do you and the person you helped feel better, so
does some random person who happened to watch your act of kindness.

I like serotonin. You? I say we overdose today. :)