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Easy Way To Solve Problems Ban NATO Countries Find torrc f | Darknet Markets

Easy Way To Solve Problems

Ban NATO Countries

Find torrc file, within the Tor Browser folder. Open Tor Browser folder > Browser > Tor Browser > Data > Tor open torrc in text editor. Add this line below everything:

ExcludeNodes {us},{uk},{gb},{de},{au},{il},{jp},{sg},{nl},{nz},{ca},{fr},{es},{se},{ch},{ir},{lu},{be},{it},{mx},{dk},{no},{hk},{kr},{kp},{tw},{th},{ua},{tr},{??},{pt},{ie},{ru},{ro}

Password And Encrypt Managers

When place delivery always use PGP to encrypt your address and safesguards so only the vendor can open it.

For Windows - GPG4USB.
For MacOS - GPGTools.
For Linux - GPA.
For Tails - the Clipboard App.

Only save the market username:password in an encrypted text file or create small VeraCrypt container with text file inside. Just the username:password. So that if someone finds, they dont know which website its for.

@dnmtrue #security #bible #tutorial #darknet