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Here is the video of the terrorist attack that took place toda | Documenting Israel

Here is the video of the terrorist attack that took place today in Jerusalem whereby 2 Magav police officers were attacked by a 16 year old Arab named Omar Abu Asab.

The male was stabbed in the head and then the female officer fought with him while the male officer tried to find a moment to shoot him without shooting her. While this was taking place, a civilian who so happens to be the head of the Yeshiva nearby named Rabbi Aviv Tzobari shot the terrorist and the Magav guard also shot. The terrorist was killed.

Kol HaKavod to the rabbi for his fast reaction and having an advantage of being on the right side before someone else got hurt. Also Kol Hakavod to the female officer for not letting her partner down and engaging full on with the terrorist and even though she too was injured.

Refuah shleima to the injured officers. The female officer had surgey and is doing ok, I included a pic.

The parents of the terrorist have been arrested.
Hamas have claimed he is one of theirs.