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Veteran IDF combat soldier, Michael Zamir, tells his story of | Documenting Israel

Veteran IDF combat soldier, Michael Zamir, tells his story of the 2nd Lebanon war.

During the war (2006), he was a 25-year-old combat medic in the Paratroopers Brigade. While on a mission, his platoon took shelter in a deserted building in Debel, Lebanon. A Hezbollah missile hit, inflicting serious casualties. As he began to administer first aid, another incoming rocket critically wounded the rest of the unit. This time, Michael was among them. Despite several broken bones & life-threatening injuries over his entire body, he continued to help his fellow soldiers. At the same time as carrying them one by one to a safer area, he single-handedly took on the enemy in a firefight.

Even with his heroic efforts, Michael could not save his 11 friends. He was the sole survivor. He suffers from severe PTSD.

He was awarded the highest commendations for his courageous actions under fire.

Michael, you are a hero brother and we are all with you!

Watch them on Youtube here and here.