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Synonyms Multiple Choice Worksheet Choose the correct word fo | Dr. Vocab Sahil Mittal Sir™®

Synonyms Multiple Choice Worksheet

Choose the correct word for each provided synonym(s).

1. pommel, biff

A. Pummel
B. Heedful
C. Boulder
D. Avaricious
E. Catastrophe

2. deliver, return, yield, give, generate, submit, try, translate, interpret, picture, depict, show, hand over, fork over, fork out, fork up, turn in, get in, supply, provide, furnish

A. Render
B. Pivot
C. Irrevocable
D. Vigil
E. Impound

3. attentive, thoughtful, paying attention, advertent, careful

A. Render
B. Pivot
C. Heedful
D. Esteem
E. Impound

4. irrevokable

A. Render
B. Irrevocable
C. Inundation
D. Impound
E. Pivot

5. regard, respect, admiration, think of, repute, regard as, look upon, look on, take to be, value, prize, prise

A. Inundation
B. Tormented
C. Catastrophe
D. Esteem
E. Deluge

6. cataclysm, disaster, calamity, tragedy

A. Tormented
B. Impound
C. Inflict
D. Catastrophe
E. Vigil

7. flood, deluge, alluvion, torrent

A. Tormented
B. Vigil
C. Inundation
D. Pivot
E. Deluge

8. anguished, tortured, hag-ridden, hagridden

A. Tormented
B. Render
C. Heedful
D. Impound
E. Pummel

9. bowlder

A. Pummel
B. Heedful
C. Inundation
D. Tormented
E. Boulder

10. flood, inundate, swamp, inundation, alluvion, downpour, cloudburst, waterspout, torrent, pelter, soaker, submerge, overwhelm, flood out

A. Deluge
B. Tormented
C. Render
D. Esteem
E. Inundation

11. watch

A. Catastrophe
B. Avaricious
C. Vista
D. Boulder
E. Vigil

12. covetous, grabby, grasping, greedy, prehensile

A. Vigil
B. Boulder
C. Impound
D. Avaricious
E. Deluge

13. bring down, visit, impose

A. Vista
B. Deluge
C. Inflict
D. Catastrophe
E. Tormented

14. view, aspect, prospect, scene, panorama

A. Pummel
B. Inundation
C. Vista
D. Inflict
E. Render

15. pound, attach, sequester, confiscate, seize

A. Boulder
B. Pivot
C. Impound
D. Render
E. Heedful

16. pin, pivot man, swivel

A. Esteem
B. Pivot
C. Deluge
D. Tormented
E. Inflict


1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. E
10. A
11. E
12. D
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. B

This exercise was done and discussed in Free Session at 9.30.