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Feeble - adj. lacking strength; pathetically lacking in force | Dr. Vocab Sahil Mittal Sir™®

Feeble - adj. lacking strength; pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness; lacking physical strength or vitality; lacking strength or vigor

Purport - noun the pervading meaning or tenor; the intended meaning of a communication; verb have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming; propose or intend

Scrawl - noun poor handwriting; verb write carelessly

Vigil - noun the rite of staying awake for devotional purposes (especially on the eve of a religious festival); a period of sleeplessness; a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe

Rhetoric - noun study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking); using language effectively to please or persuade; loud and confused and empty talk; high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation

Shuffle - noun the act of mixing cards haphazardly; walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet; verb mix so as to make a random order or arrangement; walk by dragging one's feet; move about, move back and forth

Fester - noun a sore that has become inflamed and formed pus; verb ripen and generate pus

Referendum - noun a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate

Diaspora - noun the dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language or culture); the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel; from the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 587-86 BC when they were exiled to Babylonia up to the present time; the body of Jews (or Jewish communities) outside Palestine or modern Israel

Helm - noun a position of leadership; steering mechanism for a vessel; a mechanical device by which a vessel is steered

Flicker - noun North American woodpecker; a momentary flash of light; the act of moving back and forth; verb move back and forth very rapidly; flash intermittently; shine unsteadily

Cohesion - noun (physics) the intermolecular force that holds together the molecules in a solid or liquid; (botany) the process in some plants of parts growing together that are usually separate (such as petals); the state of cohering or sticking together

Mischief - noun reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others; the quality or nature of being harmful or evil

Avert - verb turn away or aside; prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening

Snuff - adj. snuff colored; of a greyish to yellowish brown; noun finely powdered tobacco for sniffing up the nose; a pinch of smokeless tobacco inhaled at a single time; the charred portion of a candlewick; sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose; verb inhale audibly through the nose; sniff or smell inquiringly

Sectarian - adj. belonging to or characteristic of a sect; of or relating to or characteristic of a sect or sects; noun a member of a sect